J: (calling bond desk to make a bond trade) Hi Allan! it's Jeff
A: hey Jeffie! what can i do for ya today?
J: regarding that Ford we did yesterday, just wondering if the price is still good?
A: um...have you not seen the news this morning?
J: no, i havne't got the time to do that yet. good news or bad news?
A: well, Ford filed a huge loss and Toyota is gonna take over some of their product lines, so the Ford bonds are all trading at par *
J: (speechless for 5 sec) say what? pa...par?
A: (laughing) i'm just kidding you man, did i get ya?
J: why is everyone doing this to me? you almost gave me a heart attack...
After the conversation I turned around and Bill was laughing very hard
J: what are you laughing at? you didn't even know what Allan said
B: no.....but i did call him 5 mins before you and told him to scare you
J: =口=..............
B: you are too easy chicklet, too easy...
*par means 100, the bond was trading at around 93-ish, it is almost impossible to have a 7 point jump in price in just one day, unless some terrible things happen
- Jan 26 Sat 2008 06:54
J vs B - Round 010