前一篇提到的加拿大最大的多空投資公司 - Horizon BetaPro
也就是說, 在7月31日時,所有的HBP基金將被賣出,買進對應的ETF
在7月31日大限前我手上持有兩檔HBP基金 - 放空石油 & 放空黃金
以下是我跟Representative A的對話:
J: There is a duplicate sell order under my account, can you correct that error for me?
A: But this is not a duplicate order. Are you aware of the mutual fund conversion?
J: Yes I know there is a conversion, but I already liquidate my fund on July 30, how can I liquidate such fund again on July 31?
A: It not a liquidation, it is a conversion. It will be converted into ETF tomorrow.
J: No no no. If I SOLD all my shares on July 30, that means I own NOTHING as of July 30, are you with me on this?
A: Yes, I saw the trade that you put in on July 30 to sell all of your Oil Short Fund.
J: Ok, so my question is, if I own ZERO shares on July 30, how can I sell over 1000 shares on July 31?
A: Like I said, there is a conversion, it will be converted into ETF, the cash on your account as of today will be used to purchase ETF stocks tomorrow. So you should see a cash balance of zero tomorrow.
J: Um....I'm telling you that's the cash that I am not suppose to have. And now I owe the company over 100 shares!?
A: I don't know what to tell you, but that 5000 will be used to purchase ETF, which will result a $0 balance in cash. As for the short position in shares, it will be covered by buying shares of ETF.
J: So I will just own 5000 worth of ETF and no cash and no short position?
A: Yes.
正確的情形應該是: 現金= 0,帳戶上多出5000元的ETF股票,但仍舊欠公司5000元的基金
1. 取消多倫多不該賣的那張賣單
2. 用多出的ETF去買回帳戶所欠的基金
但對於公司來說,最好的解決方法是 1
既然是公司出錯,這損失+利息當然是算在公司帳上,但選 1 的話就不會有這個問題
J: My account was credited 5000 due to short sale of mutual fund by error, can you take a look at my account?
B: Ah~ I see. You are aware of the conversion right?
J: Yup. But you should be able to see that this has nothing to do with conversion.
B: What's your concern Jeff? I see nothing wrong here.
J: Um...My concern is that I shouldn't have this additional 5000 dollars and shouldn't owe over 1000 shares to the Credit dept.
B: Well, but the money will buy back ETF shares, this is the conversion, you know?
J: I know there is a conversion in progress, but that's for those who actually have mutual fund shares in their accounts. I DON'T.
B: Oh! So when we sold the shares in your account, we created a short position then.
J: Exactly! (心想: 他終於搞懂了 ^口^)
B: But what's the problem? It will be covered by the re-purchase of ETF tomorrow.
J: Ok....let me get this straight. The mutual fund is closed, we can no longer PURCHASE this fund anymore.
B: That's right.
J: So, if I have a short position in that fund, there is no way I can buy its shares to cover that short.
B: Hum....that's correct
J: Now, you are telling me that the short position in MUTUAL FUND can be covered by stocks?
B: Hum...I don't think you can do that....
J: Ok, then here's the deal regarding my account. The conversion shouldn't take place for my account because I did not own any mutual fund as of July 31.
B: Yes.
J: Then for some reason you guys still "converted" my account, thus creating the short position because I didn't own any shares in that mutual fund on July 31.
B: I see....
J: As you just said, we can't use ETF shares to cover the short in Mutual Fund, simply because mutual funds and stocks are not the same thing.
B: uh huh
J: But you guys have been telling me that it will be covered. To me, I think even if this conversion were to get through, my account should have ZERO CASH, 5000 worth of ETF, and still owing 5000 worth of mutual fund
B: Now I see it. I will look into this and give you a call back.
J: Good. Thanks!
(耶~ 我想這次他真的懂了~)
B: Jeff, I looked into the account, it seems to be ok to me.
J: Say what!? (這不是丁丁...這不是丁丁啦 T口T)
B: It is common that such conversion would create confusion, but the short position is merely a data entry that was generated from our end. It is not a actual sell, we just had to sell the funds first and then use the proceed to buy ETF.
J: Again, I know that. My question is, with the procedure you just mentioned, it SHOULD NOT create any short position.
B: Why not?
J: Look at it this way. It is a conversion, so we shouldn't gain or lose anything from it. Correct?
B: Yes.
J: Now, if I have 5000 in mutual fund, I should get 5000 ETF after the conversion, 5000 for 5000. Right?
B: That's true
J: So, my case is, I don't have 5000 in mutual fund, but you guys are giving me 5000 ETF!?
B: We are not giving you 5000 ETF, it's a conversion, Jeff, Do you get this conversion at all?
J: DO YOU!? Look....The credit dept wants me to cover the short position, but it is not my reposibility to cover such position. My branch admin is on my tail thinking that I've violated the Regulations by selling short on a non-margin account.
B: They shouldn't be worried. It is just a conversion.
J: Well, if you insist on telling me that there is nothing wrong with my account, do you mind sending them a email explaining this situation?
B: Sure, I can do that for you.
J: And, this is just for the record, I noticed this error that brought it to you guys, and you guys told me there is absolutely nothing wrong with my account.
B: That seems to be the case to me.
J: So for that additional 5000 dollars that I think I got FOR FREE, I can just keep it right?
B: I don't see why not, it is your money. Just be aware that it will not be cash, it will be in ETF, you have to sell it if you need the cash.
J: This call is recorded right? In case any dispute arise, I can just refer to this conversation?
B: Yes, we record every call, not to worry.
J: Ok then!
但現在他們卻說那本來就是我的錢,如果真塞給我,那我也只好收下囉 :p
那我想我會請同事吃個飯,請家人吃個飯,之後再拿去買PS3、Wii Fit、iPod.....
- Aug 06 Wed 2008 01:47