一早上班就先檢查了一下我的帳戶,竟然還真的多了5000多美金 (喜)
我的帳上是顯示: Cash = $0, ETF = 5000多,欠公司 0 股基金
B: Jeff, what seems to be the problem? We corrected the account yesterday, everything should be fine
J: Oh everything is fine indeed. But I just want to tell you, you guys credited my account 5000 dollars which does not belong to me.
B: Jeff Jeff, listen, I told you that is due to the conversion. It is normal that you see the ETF shares in your account
J: So you are still telling me that it is my money?
B: That's correct. It is your shares, you own them
J: So I can sell those shares right now, cash the money and take it out and spend it?
B: Hey, you can do whatever you want, it is your money.
J: O...K...well, if you insist that the money belongs to me, I'm not going to argue with you anymore
B: I don't know why are you so worried, everything is just fine
J: That's cool, but I just want to warn ya though, the credit dept might call you really soon about this issue
B: Well, we will just deal with that if they call
真好,這位丁丁還是說那是我的錢 :D
反正有email存證 + 錄音存證,真的出事也是由那些丁丁自掏腰包賠公司
N: Jeff, there is something funny about the balance in your account
J: Yeah, that's the problem I've been trying to tell the Mututal Fund dept for two days now
N: Well, I got the email from them yesterday, it made sense to me back then, but now that I look at the acocunt balance sheet, something doesn't seem right
J: Let me guess, my account somehow got additional 5000 dollars and the company book lost 5000?
N: Yeah....my data shows that the office paid 5000 to buy shares and put it in your account
J: Exactly. But the mutual fund dept told me that it is my money.
N: But it's not
J: I know that. That's why I was telling those guys and you that it is not my money.
N: You haven't taken out the money right?
J: No, but if I tell you that I did, am I going to be in trouble?
N: Hum....probably not, the fund dept will probably have to absorb this loss, I guess
J: So I can still take this money then huh?
N: (laughs) No no no, you are a nice guy, I know you wouldn't do that
J: I will split it with you? say 60-40?
N: Hahaha...thanks for the offer. Well, I need to talk to those guys and straight things out.
這樣至少有幫我加點分數吧? 雖然我比較希望白拿5000....